What to do if something in the refrigerator has gone bad: a simple way to get rid of the smell

28.05.2023 21:30

Most often, an unpleasant smell appears in the refrigerator if one of the products stored there has gone bad.

The characteristic sour “aroma” appears when pathogenic bacteria settle on the food.

In turn, butter that has been sitting on the refrigerator shelf for a long time releases butanoic acid, and meat that has expired releases amines.

The result is truly deadly - sometimes you don’t even want to open the refrigerator door to protect your nose from the spreading stench.

Fortunately, getting rid of such a nuisance is quite simple. For this, you will need soda.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This product is capable of reacting with both acids and alkalis. As a result, neutral-smelling sodium salts are formed.

Therefore, as a preventative measure against the occurrence of an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, it is worth pouring a few tablespoons of soda into a container and, without closing the lid, leaving it inside the refrigerator.

Don't forget to change the baking powder regularly - it's worth doing this every three months, so that the soda itself doesn't turn into a source of repulsive "odor".

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor