How to Grow “Strong and Plump” Seedlings: Advice from Experienced Gardeners

08.03.2023 13:48
Updated: 14.04.2023 13:33

Two words that characterize seedlings that are worth spending any amount of money for are “strong and plump.” These definitions are primarily applied to tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants.

Nobody is exaggerating here, because the future harvest depends on these signs. How to grow such seedlings yourself?

5 simple steps that need to be followed as rules of personal hygiene will help.

1. Watering

The result can be spoiled by over- and under-watering. By maintaining a moisture balance, you can avoid the appearance of pests, pathogenic microflora, and other troubles. The easiest way to test the soil is to touch the soil with your finger. If the grains of sand stick, there is enough moisture.

2. Temperature

Too high a temperature will make the seedlings grow, but the stem will remain thin. In a cold room, mold and fungus will start to grow. The optimal temperature is considered to be +18 degrees Celsius.

Photo: © Belnovosti

3. Light

Even if the windows face south, the seedlings will still need additional lighting. You should not skimp and stock up on a couple of phytolamps with a red-blue spectrum wave.

4. Feeding

It is important that the above-ground part and the root system develop harmoniously and that the plants do not overgrow. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizing should be planned for this time.

5. Correct landing

Plants do not tolerate cramped conditions. Strong and plump seedlings will grow only if the plants have enough light, air, heat, moisture and nutrients. And for this, you need to observe the interval-distance when planting.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. 1. Watering
  2. 2. Temperature
  3. 3. Light
  4. 4. Feeding
  5. 5. Correct landing