Why Cucumbers Become Bitter and What to Do to Get Rid of It

05.03.2023 00:30
Updated: 14.04.2023 11:25

Cucumbers grow and bear fruit in the garden every year. But for some reason some varieties taste unpleasantly bitter.

The reason for the bitterness in cucumbers

Cucumbers become bitter due to a specific substance - cucurbitacin. It is secreted by the plant as a protective agent against an unfavorable environment during growth.

This could be hot or very cold weather conditions, insufficient lighting and lack of water.

Usually the cucumber skin, closer to the stalk, is bitter.

Ways to get rid of cucumber bitterness

The market now offers hybrid varieties, designated by the letter F1, which are rarely bitter.

Photo: © Belnovosti

If cucumbers have become bitter, this can be helped by:

• A simple way is to pour cold water over them and leave for 12 hours, the bitterness may disappear completely.
• Cut the cucumbers into slices or plates, add salt and leave until the juice is released, then rinse the vegetables under running water.
• Prepare a solution of water, sugar, dill, oregano, mint and other spices. Pour this marinade over the cucumbers and leave them to infuse for several hours – and the bitterness will disappear.

If a cucumber variety is prone to bitterness, you can identify it much earlier than the cucumbers themselves appear, by the leaves. To do this, pinch off a leaf and lick the cut, you will feel the bitterness immediately.

To prevent cucumbers from becoming bitter, you need to:

• Water only with warm 20..22 C water.
• The weather should be warm and dry, above 15 C.
• In hot weather, water every 3-5 days.
• The soil should be moistened to a depth of 10-15 cm.
• Do not fertilize cucumber beds with fresh animal manure.

Safety of Bitter Cucumbers

Is it possible to get poisoned by such cucumbers? No, cucurbitacin is not harmful to health, but on the contrary, it is very useful. It stimulates the secretion of bile, which improves digestion.

It also helps to lose weight and suppresses the growth of pathological cells. Bitter cucumbers also have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, which is very important for joint diseases.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. The reason for the bitterness in cucumbers
  2. Ways to get rid of cucumber bitterness
  3. Safety of Bitter Cucumbers