It is widely believed that a person who wants to lose weight or stay slim should completely give up potatoes.
In fact, the vegetable is not as dangerous for your figure as it might seem at first glance.
Yes, the product contains starch. In addition, potatoes can hardly be called a low-calorie food.
But when used correctly, nightshade will not interfere with maintaining a proportional physique or getting rid of excess weight.
On the contrary, the product can help to achieve the desired result and consolidate it. After all, a feeling of satiety will appear, preventing overeating.
Therefore, potato lovers do not have to give up their favorite side dish.
The main thing is to observe moderation and remember the existence of the most beneficial gastronomic combinations.
What to eat potatoes with to avoid gaining weight
Do you want to continue enjoying the dish without the risk of gaining weight?
Then try not to eat potatoes with anything fatty or meaty.
It's better to choose one of these supplements:
- greens (dill or parsley);
- sauerkraut;
- eggplants;
- bell pepper.
If you follow this rule, potatoes will be easily digested by the body and will not turn into a dish that is dangerous for your figure.
Also remember that it is better not to fry potatoes. It is better to boil or bake nightshade vegetables.
And don't eat the dish too often: maximum two servings a week.