The products that are really capable of providing a long-lasting boost of energy to a person have been named. It will be enough for the whole day.
According to nutritionists, carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body.
But not all of them are equally useful. Experts talk about the existence of fast (simple) and slow (complex) carbohydrates.
Knowing how they differ, you can plan your diet correctly and, accordingly, improve your health.
As for fast carbohydrates, they, as the name suggests, are absorbed by the body faster.
This means that there is a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, as well as an equally sharp fall.
This tendency results in a rapid loss of energy and a quick feeling of hunger.
Products with fast carbohydrates: sweets, white bread, soda, juices in packages, fast food.
The body digests slow carbohydrates, logically, more slowly.
This means that long-term energy retention and an equally long-lasting feeling of satiety are ensured.
These carbohydrates contain dietary fiber, which improves digestion and maintains stable blood sugar levels.
Products with such carbohydrates: oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, whole grain flour and products made from it, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, potatoes, beans, fruits, berries, nuts.
As already noted, slow carbohydrates have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, remove “bad” cholesterol, and maintain healthy microflora.
Products with such carbohydrates provide a boost of energy for the whole day and a long-lasting feeling of satiety.
They do not lead to sharp jumps in insulin, but also improve the quality of sleep and help you fall asleep better.