Scientists have found that the MIND diet, similar to the Mediterranean diet, has proven to be very beneficial for women.
Both diets contain foods that are beneficial for brain health.
According to research, not only the Mediterranean diet, but also the MIND diet can help combat cognitive impairment.
But in the case of MIND, the effect was only seen in women.
In particular, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease was reduced, and a slowdown in cognitive decline with age was observed.
What does MIND include?
1. These are leafy greens that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and other beneficial substances.
Spinach, cruciferous vegetables, and broccoli are recommended for maintaining brain health and gut health.
2. You should also include walnuts and other nuts in your diet. They are rich in healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, which support the functioning of neurons.
3. Next on the list are blueberries, which contain substances useful for memory. At the same time, the berry contains a minimum of sugar, which eliminates glucose surges.
4. Whole wheat grains, oats and brown rice are rich in fiber and B vitamins essential for brain health.
5. Beans and legumes in general are a source of protein, fiber and antioxidants.
6. All types of oily fish are rich in beneficial Omega-3s, which reduce inflammation.
7. Chicken and turkey meat contain lean protein and are free of saturated fat.
Also, to maintain brain health, researchers advise women to include carrots, tomatoes, other vegetables and fruits in their diet, exercise, and follow a daily routine.