Products that speed up the aging process have been named: they are in every kitchen

10.02.2025 14:08

While some products slow down the aging process, others encourage it in every possible way.

In order to look slim and beautiful, it is not necessary to eat plants. But some products will have to be excluded from the main menu.

Researchers at the Mediterranean Neurological Institute have concluded that ready-made semi-finished products and frozen foods accelerate the process of biological aging of the body.

The results of the work are published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Research by scientists

22 thousand volunteers took part in the research.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Having assessed the diet of the participants in the scientific study, the experts came to the conclusion that highly processed food accelerates aging.

Signs of such products are industrial preparation, high fat and sugar content.

According to scientists' calculations, on average the biological age of these people is four months older than their chronological age.

What is the reason?

The fact is, the researchers continue, that such highly processed food products contain refined ingredients, artificial additives and chemicals (emulsifiers and flavorings).

Those who want to stay young should give up fast food, confectionery, frozen ready-made food, chips and sweet drinks.

Processed foods have also been found to contain higher levels of acrylamide, a neurotoxic chemical.

It is formed during the processing of food at high temperatures.

Acrylamide in the body causes oxidative stress, inflammation, and common diseases.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Research by scientists
  2. What is the reason?