Can You Drink Tea with Lemon: A Popular Misconception Debunked

29.01.2025 09:36

Everyone knows about the benefits of lemon. Citrus slices are added to black tea, which significantly improves the taste and aroma of the drink.

In addition, many people believe that tea with lemon is good for the body and strengthens the immune system. But this is a misconception.

If you drink tea with lemon just because you like the taste, then you can continue to do so.

Those who expect to improve their health in this way, cope with a cold or illness, should definitely read this article to the end.

The fact is that tea with lemon is completely useless in this regard.

Photo: © Belnovosti

How to do it right

It is no longer news that vitamin C has the property of being destroyed when heated.

That is, if you add fresh lemon to hot tea, the same thing will happen.

Therefore, it is correct to use fresh lemon when you have a cold, rather than pour hot water over it.

In this case, you can count on getting all 40 grams of vitamin C that 100 grams of lemon contains.

But if you place the same amount of fruit in hot water, the concentration of the vitamin will decrease to 1.31 grams within 5 minutes.

Therefore, during a cold, you should consume lemon separately, washing it down with warm tea.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor