The first desire of every person who has just successfully completed a diet is to arrange a real feast for himself.
After denying ourselves everything, we want to enjoy tasty and high-calorie food.
But you need to stop yourself: in this case, there is a significant load on the body. Also, all the successes of the diet will quickly be neutralized.

How to properly exit a diet
Returning to a normal diet
It is important to understand that you need to change your menu gradually over 7-14 days. This time will be enough for adaptation. Products are introduced gradually and in limited quantities.
You can add fermented milk drinks to improve the functioning of the digestive organs.
Animal protein
You can't cook yourself a steak or fry cutlets right after the diet: your gastrointestinal tract organs will clearly not be happy about this. You should start by introducing fish, seafood and poultry into your diet.
Afterwards, you can begin to introduce small amounts of dietary meats, cooked in the oven, steamed or boiled.
Divide the daily dose into 5 doses.
If you don't want to face excess weight again, then eat according to your calorie norm. The volume of food should be divided into five parts so that the digestive organs can better cope with their work.