Many people love this juicy and sweet fruit – pear – since childhood. However, few people know that it is also very healthy.
A number of its beneficial properties are a serious reason to add this delicious fruit to your daily diet.
The first thing you should know is that this fruit contains a huge amount of unique essential oils and many biologically active substances necessary for the body.

Introducing pears into your daily diet will improve the body's defenses and strengthen the immune system.
These substances also help in the fight against depressive states, thanks to the stimulation of the production of the hormone of joy in the body.
Even those who need dietary nutrition can eat pears. Kidney and heart diseases, diabetes and capillary obstruction are not obstacles to eating the fruit, and the fruit itself will support the body with useful substances.
The pear practically does not lose its properties when dried, which allows you to eat natural fruits all year round.