Porridge is one of the dishes that you should not give up when losing weight.
The fact is that buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, and millet are very filling and healthy foods.
And if you also use one interesting supplement, the process of getting rid of excess weight will speed up.

"Cunning" additive for porridge
Have you prepared oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet or some other porridge?
Be sure to add some ground cinnamon to the dish!
Firstly, such an ingredient will make the dish much more delicious. A barely perceptible delicate and sweet taste note will be a wonderful addition.
Secondly, porridge with cinnamon is an ideal dish for a person losing weight.
Cereals are good at eliminating hunger without making the diet too caloric.
And cinnamon helps speed up metabolism. The body begins to "burn" calories faster.
Let us emphasize: half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon per day is quite a sufficient amount for accelerated weight loss.