To get rid of excess weight, you need to not only reduce the calorie content of your diet, but also become physically active.
However, a lack of free time can prevent a person from regularly visiting the gym or hitting the treadmill.
Due to a sedentary lifestyle, a person is unlikely to lose weight, even if he limits himself in food.

Fortunately, the problem is solvable. You can increase your level of physical activity even without doing sports.
To do this, it is enough to pay attention to the following tricks:
Refusal of the elevator
Instead of calling the elevator again, take the stairs to the desired floor.
This approach won't take much of your time, but it will make you much more active.
Climbing the stairs will give you a light cardio workout.
Refusal of transport
Need to get to work or school? Or do you need to buy something in a store?
Then it makes sense not to get behind the wheel of a car again, but to walk! Unless, of course, the distance is too great...
Use breaks at work correctly
Got a spare 5 minutes? It's better to spend them not on going to the smoking room or chatting on social networks, but on doing simple exercises.