Food has the ability to be deposited not only in the form of fat deposits on the sides or to form immunity.
A properly selected diet allows you to protect your body from invisible consequences that have an equally detrimental effect on the brain and overall well-being – we are talking about stress.
To protect yourself from stress, experts advise paying attention to the following foods.

First, a source of magnesium
The substance stops nervous excitement, calms and reduces the synthesis of adrenaline and cortisol – stress hormones.
Therefore, you should focus on nuts, seeds and whole grains, dark chocolate, seaweed and avocado.
Secondly, B vitamins
In addition to reducing nervous excitement, these products will help restore nerve fibers, improve memory and other thought processes.
Nutritionists recommend eating beef liver, poultry, red fish, eggs and milk, cereals and leafy greens, tomatoes.
Third, antioxidants and tryptophan
Their role in helping the body cannot be overestimated. The substances protect cells from death, resist oxidative processes, and prevent the destruction of nerve cells.
They are abundant in wild and garden berries, vegetables (especially carrots, beets and cabbage), fruits, and green tea.
In addition to the products already listed above, tryptophan is contained in products such as red caviar, fatty cottage cheese and milk, and porcini mushrooms.
It is also important to include foods containing calcium and iodine in your diet.
In general, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and daily routine.
Earlier we talked about whyblack caviar is so expensive.