The main fear of those who want to switch to healthy and low-calorie food is that they will not be able to stick to such a diet due to the feeling of hunger.
However, scientists are sure that all fears are in vain if you “hack the subconscious.”
To prove their theory, they conducted a study in which they divided subjects into two groups.

Both groups were given shakes, but the first group was told they were getting low-calorie drinks, while the second group was told they were getting high-nutrient shakes.
As a result, people from the second group felt full faster.
This wasn't enough for the researchers, so they also took blood samples from the participants before and after each test.
Their goal was to track levels of the hormone ghrelin, which signals the brain that the body is full.
Based on the data obtained, scientists suggested that when people eat healthy food, but at the same time think that it contains a lot of calories, their bodies are satiated faster and extract more nutrients than when people think of a carrot as a carrot, and not, for example, a muffin.
What conclusion can be drawn?
Try the power of suggestion while eating: to stay full and not overindulge in fatty and unhealthy foods, prepare yourself a salad and stewed vegetables, and at lunch imagine that you are eating fried potatoes with chops.
Earlier we told you how to cook healthy shashlik .