Cabbage is considered one of the healthiest vegetables. It is believed that it does not lose its beneficial properties even after heat treatment.
There are several varieties of cabbage: cauliflower, broccoli, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, etc. They are all good, but nutritionists advise women to pay attention to Chinese cabbage.
Experts have explained what makes Chinese cabbage so good.

Benefits of Peking cabbage
Firstly, the vegetable is considered low-calorie, which makes this variety of the cruciferous family almost indispensable when losing weight.
Secondly, in terms of the content of useful substances, Chinese cabbage is also not inferior. Mainly, its constant use has a positive effect on the work of the intestines, accelerates metabolism, which ultimately has a positive effect on the fight against extra pounds.
Thirdly, Peking cabbage is also good because, in addition to general well-being, it improves appearance.
Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, the vegetable maintains the beauty and health of the skin.
This is all thanks to the fact that vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen, without which there is no point in talking about elastic skin.
Fourthly, the potassium content helps remove excess fluid from the body.
Earlier we talked about why you should eat lard in the morning.