Nutritionist Maria Kapralova told whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of fruits? Which fruits to choose?

21.08.2023 20:54

Often, when losing weight, many experts recommend minimizing or eliminating fruits, citing various arguments.

There is some truth to this, notes nutritionist Maria Kapralova , however, by limiting the body in these foods, a person ultimately receives a significant lack of vitamins and minerals, which affects health and appearance.

Fruits are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, so they are not inferior in their benefits to vegetables. To control, it is enough to know the measure. In summer, there is a huge selection of seasonal fruits and berries, but their consumption in large quantities can lead to excess weight and gastrointestinal problems.

Also, you shouldn't eat only fruits, because such a diet has a number of contraindications and side effects, as it is extreme and restrictive in nutrients. The body must receive a full set of macro- and microelements to function normally!

The acceptable daily fruit intake is 2-3 servings for an adult, a serving should be about the size of your own fist. On average, this is 150-200 grams per serving.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Let's look at a number of fruits that will help you get your figure in order and reduce the number on the scale, and also talk about fat-burning fruits. They got this name because they speed up metabolism, that is, the metabolism in the body.

Top 5 Fruits That Help You Lose Weight


A well-known fruit for losing weight. Studies have been conducted that have confirmed that grapefruit or freshly squeezed juice from it help speed up lipid metabolism, control appetite, and also reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Green apples

Rich in pectin and fiber, they are great for satisfying hunger. They are an ideal snack because they are low in calories, and the fiber keeps you full for several hours and cleanses your body perfectly.


Fights fat deposits, even visceral fat is not scary for it! Cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques that interfere with normal blood circulation. Contains a lot of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system.


In addition to vitamins and minerals, this fruit is also unique in that it contains bromelain, which is the basis for a great many weight loss products. Bromelain accelerates the breakdown of proteins and fats from food, and also affects fat deposits.


It has diuretic and choleretic properties, which helps the body remove toxins and waste. August and September will delight you with the most delicious, juicy and ripe watermelons!

We have identified the most popular and effective fruits for weight loss, but you should not ignore other fruits and citrus fruits that are beneficial for the body. Eat fruits with pleasure and in moderation and be healthy!

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Top 5 Fruits That Help You Lose Weight
  2. Grapefruit
  3. Green apples
  4. Kiwi
  5. Pineapple
  6. Watermelon