Doctor Lyudmila Artyushkevich explained why breakfast is important

29.05.2023 08:12

Breakfast is the first meal after a night's sleep, and its importance for our body is difficult to overestimate.

Many people often neglect breakfast, skipping it or replacing it with quick snacks.

Doctor of the HappyDerm medical center Lyudmila Artyushkevich named several reasons why breakfast is important for the body.

To activate metabolism

The first meal after a night's sleep helps to start the body's metabolism, providing energy throughout the day. Eating in the morning helps to digest food more efficiently. Calories consumed in the morning are completely spent and do not turn into fat.

To keep your heart and blood vessels healthy

Breakfast helps reduce the level of platelets and cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Photo: Pixabay

To stay young

A nutritious breakfast provides the body with amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants – all necessary for the skin to resist the signs of aging. It is especially important for schoolchildren to eat a proper breakfast, as it helps them to maintain their attention and performance throughout the school day.

To improve your mood

"A well-fed person is a kind person." A well-fed organism copes with problems and controversial issues more easily. Such a person is also more resistant to stressful situations.

To maintain slimness

Skipping breakfast is one of the main causes of obesity. Breakfast helps control hunger throughout the day. Having breakfast will help you not feel so hungry at lunch, avoid overeating and snacking on unhealthy foods (such as fast food), which often maintain energy on the go.

To avoid getting sick

Breakfast is the best immune-boosting meal. A proper breakfast containing prebiotics, probiotics, and fiber helps our beneficial microorganisms fight infections.

To avoid falling asleep at work

Breakfast is a kind of "alarm clock" for the body. It restores glucose levels, helping to activate, and improves concentration and memory.

You shouldn't neglect your morning meal if you hope to start your day successfully and complete your planned tasks.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. To activate metabolism
  2. To keep your heart and blood vessels healthy
  3. To stay young
  4. To improve your mood
  5. To maintain slimness
  6. To avoid getting sick
  7. To avoid falling asleep at work