Doctor Irina Bukach told how to lose weight correctly: advice

25.05.2023 11:38

How to lose weight for the summer, for a holiday, for a birthday, etc., excites many minds.

Doctor Irina Bukach told how to lose weight correctly: advice.

Most often, this feat should begin on Monday or the first of the month. But we inadvertently forget to specify which month or year.

Moreover, there are always plenty of reasons to postpone this feat: a sudden invitation to a barbecue from a friend you haven’t seen for a long time, a long-planned corporate event, a feast in honor of the birthday of your cousin’s second cousin, whom you simply can’t refuse.

As the hour X approaches, the brain tries in every way to find a convincing justification for why the kilograms of accumulated life experience in the form of a life preserver should remain on the stomach.

Photo: Pixabay

The brain, as the manager of all processes in the body, consumes a large amount of energy. During stress, its work volume increases, so out of habit we reach for sweets.

After all, glucose is a quick source for replenishing its resource. Praise be to all the holy confectioners that do not allow the brain to switch off, and extra kilos to leave their faithful keeper.

In times of stress, it is difficult for the brain to remember the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is simply tired and wants to get another sweet doping as soon as possible. That is why it is so important to learn to stay calm so that the gluttonous brain does not eat at your expense and spoil the image in the mirror.

And also, the brain likes to understand everything. It gets terribly irritated when it doesn't understand why such "torture" in the form of diets, proper nutrition and physical exercise is needed.

This misunderstanding makes him even more anxious to stress himself out and take you for a piece of his favorite cake. Conclusion: to lose weight, you need to start with your head!

As one of my Indian teachers used to say: "If there is a problem with the mind, start working with the body! If there is a problem with the body, then start treating the mind!" This means that in order to lose weight, you first need to understand why.

Losing weight for the sake of losing weight is not worth limiting yourself in your favorite delicacy. But the thought that you will have more energy for your favorite activity when the extra pounds go away can be quite supportive.

And here the question comes down to what will really change when you lose weight. Why do you need a slim body and the extra strength that will appear? And here many people hit a dead end, because they don’t really know what they want from their lives.

I recently read an article in a British scientific journal by a group of dream researchers. It describes an algorithm that facilitates lucid dreaming.

I really liked one of the practices that, in my opinion, can help those who are concerned about excess weight and overeating. It consists of asking yourself during the day: "Am I doing something stupid?"

The article says that this practice helped study participants find their true values and goals.

As a result, their stress levels decreased and they gained the strength to achieve things that they would not have dared to do in their normal state of consciousness.

Everyone has different goals in life, which means that the paths to achieving them can have different features. That is why, in my opinion, there is no one effective recipe for losing weight for everyone.

Therefore, instead of jumping from one diet to another, I suggest that you first answer honestly the questions: "Why do I need this? How will my life change when I lose weight?"

If you have found a burning goal for yourself, then no kilograms will dare to stop you on the way to achieving it! Forward and only forward!

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor