We all know that eating at night is not very healthy, as it puts extra work on the digestive organs.
Also, "night snacks" often become the cause of extra centimeters in problem areas.
Not everyone knows that some products are harmless to our figure.

What can you eat at night without much risk?
Milk can quickly satisfy hunger and significantly improve the quality of sleep, which is why many people drink it late in the evening.
However, it is worth limiting yourself to one glass of the drink, choosing a low-fat option, experts note.
Chicken fillet
Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows that skinless chicken fillet does not harm your figure.
Therefore, before going to bed, you can safely eat one hundred grams of boiled poultry to satisfy your hunger.
If we are talking about dietary white fish, then you can safely eat it even at night. Such a product has low calorie content and is safe for weight loss.
However, the fish should be boiled or baked, as the fried version is not considered a dietary food.
This product is one of the best options for quickly satisfying hunger. Therefore, before going to bed, you can eat a couple of boiled eggs without any consequences for your figure.