It’s not a problem if in the evening there’s suddenly a shortage of food in the refrigerator, but you still want to have a tasty breakfast.
The main thing is to have fermented baked milk and sour cream, herbs, salt and a few spices.
If you have this, then after doing a couple of actions in the evening, you will go to bed, and in the morning, when you wake up, you will have something delicious.
We are talking about Philadelphia cheese. Of course, it may not be a full breakfast, but if you add it to a sandwich, it is an ideal option. Or to something else.
An expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova, shared a simple recipe for cooking.
We will need a liter of fermented baked milk, half a liter of sour cream, 2-3 sprigs of dill and parsley.
You can also arm yourself with salt and spices, but it's up to your taste.
What we do: pour the fermented baked milk into a deep container and add sour cream there.
Chop the parsley and dill. Salt everything to your taste.
Then you should mix it until a homogeneous mass is formed.
Then we put the mixture we have obtained into a colander lined with gauze and cover it with several layers of gauze on top.
Leave it to drain for 2-3 hours. After the first hour, press down on it with some object – this way the separated whey will come off faster.
After 5-6 hours, a soft cheese mass will remain on the gauze.
It can be eaten as a separate cheese, or as part of other dishes or on sandwiches.