In almost any baked good, eggs are the key ingredient.
However, it happens that during the cooking process these gifts from the chickens run out (well, they miscalculated, it happens to everyone).
There is no need to be discouraged, just as there is no need to frantically rush to the nearest store, abandoning the work you have started to its fate.

There are products that can serve as a great alternative to eggs.
Yulia Arkhipova , an expert of the online publication BelNovosti and a chef, spoke about which products and in which specific dish eggs can be replaced without deteriorating their quality.
Cakes and cupcakes
In this case, a whole egg can be replaced with half a medium banana (mashed into a puree).
Also applesauce, silken tofu, yogurt. The volume for each of them is 4 tablespoons.
Here, a whole egg can be successfully replaced with a glass of ground flaxseed and 3 tablespoons of water.
Also, as a substitute, consider condensed milk (4 tablespoons).
Those who have tried this trick say that cookies with these ingredients turn out even tastier than with eggs.
Even if you have eggs, you can replace them with the products listed below to make the pancakes airy and even more delicious.
In particular, instead of one egg, you can use oatmeal (2 tablespoons), soaked in warm water.
You can work with soda (a teaspoon) and sour cream, kefir or lemon juice, of which you will need one tablespoon.
You can also try potato starch (tablespoon) with sour cream or vegetable oil (tablespoon) and a tablespoon of water.
Also, pay attention to dry yeast (half a teaspoon).