Any housewife knows that borscht is very easy to spoil.
Just a few mistakes will be enough for the soup to lose its quality and richness.
Therefore, the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" on culinary issues, chef Yulia Arkhipova, believes that it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main list of mistakes in advance.

What do they consist of?
Cooking vegetables together
There is no need to cook beets together with other vegetables: this will simply spoil the borscht, depriving it of its sourness and red color. Therefore, always prepare a separate dish for beets.
Excess of potatoes
Many professional chefs have even begun to refuse to use potatoes. It is believed that this will help the borscht become more delicious and of higher quality.
Besides, the benefits of potatoes in soup are overestimated.
Excess of spices
Borscht already has a large number of ingredients, which makes the soup aromatic, rich and multifaceted. Excessive spices will only bring dissonance to the overall atmosphere of the dish.
Earlier we talked abouthow to deliciously bake zucchini with cheese.