Everyone likes home-made baked goods.
It's not just about being confident in the composition of the dough, the taste, but also the bright aroma that appears in the house during the process of making pies, pastries or baking bread.
But at the same time, everyone wants such homemade treats to remain fresh for as long as possible.

Experienced cooks recommend in such cases sifting the flour so that it is filled with more oxygen, and also using additional components.
For example, some of the milk in the dough can be replaced with mineral water. In this case, the dishes will not only stay fresh for a long time, but will also be fluffier.
Baked goods will not dry out and become stale for a long time if you add a little semolina to the dough. You can add fewer eggs.
You can also make foods softer by adding a little vegetable oil during the cooking process.
Chefs note that the shelf life of baked goods will increase if you add just one spoon of honey to the dough.