Not all housewives are familiar with the life hack of soaking cabbage, and that’s a shame.
Let's find out why you should leave your fork in water before you start creating your next culinary masterpiece.
In cold water
If you want to rid cabbage of nitrates and nitrogen salts, cut the head of cabbage into 4 pieces and immerse them in cold water for 15-20 minutes.
In salt water
This advice will be useful for those who use the harvest from their own garden in cooking.
Cabbage should be left for some time in water with added salt to say goodbye to various pests such as caterpillars, slugs, etc., which often hide between cabbage leaves.
In hot water
In this case, the head of cabbage should not be dipped whole, but in chopped form in order to eliminate the bitter taste and make the vegetable softer and more tender.