Fish cutlets won't taste bitter because of onions: experienced cooks follow these proportions

21.05.2023 21:30

Cooking fish cutlets is not a difficult task, if you take into account one important rule.

They are more difficult to mold than meat ones, so experienced housewives do not deviate from the proportions stated in the recipe.

Cutlets and onions

Sometimes deviating from the cooking method leads to a deterioration in taste, as is the case with onions.

Photo: Pixabay

If you add more of this vegetable than necessary, you can get bitter cutlets that no one will eat. Even bread and garnish will not save you from the unpleasant taste.

Ideal proportions

Raw onions are an important ingredient in many dishes. But you can only create culinary wonders with the vegetable if you use it in moderation.

As for fish cutlets, every 500 g of minced meat is mixed with 100 g of onion.

Experienced cooks advise not just adding the vegetable, but first frying it in a frying pan with butter.

In this case, you don't have to worry about bitterness. The taste of the otlet will be delicate and very pleasant.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Cutlets and onions
  2. Ideal proportions

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