5 mistakes that prevent a housewife from making pilaf: it turns out to be ordinary porridge

15.02.2023 11:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 02:08

Plov consists of simple ingredients. You only need rice, vegetables, meat and spices.

However, turning this combination of available ingredients into a classic oriental dish is quite difficult.

It is enough to make one mistake, and instead of the desired dish, ordinary porridge with several additives will be prepared.

However, if the housewife avoids all the mistakes listed below, she will get a real pilaf - appetizing, healthy and nutritious.

Choosing the wrong cereal

Only certain types of rice are suitable for pilaf. The product must be crumbly and retain its texture after heat treatment.

Photo: Pixabay

If the cook chooses the wrong cereal, then instead of good pilaf you will get a stuck mass.

Incorrect ratio of ingredients

For every kilo of cereal there should be a similar mass of meat product, at least half a kilo of carrots and 0.3 kilo of onions.

Ignoring this rule may result in the taste of the pilaf not being the best.

Inappropriate dishes

Of course, pilaf can be cooked in a saucepan. But the classic way of cooking the dish involves using a cauldron.

The use of this particular cookware ensures that rice and other ingredients reach the desired consistency and degree of readiness.

Improper processing of meat and vegetables

Before mixing with the cereal, the meat and vegetable ingredients must be heated in a frying pan. But you can't limit yourself to this procedure.

To give the dish a bright taste, the carrot-onion-meat mixture sprinkled with spices should also be stewed in broth.

Excess or lack of water

When cooking rice, you need to use less water than when making rice porridge. The volume of liquid should only be 20 percent greater than the volume of cereal.

If there is too much water, then instead of crumbly pilaf you will get a stuck mass. Lack of liquid can cause incomplete cooking of rice.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Choosing the wrong cereal
  2. Incorrect ratio of ingredients
  3. Inappropriate dishes
  4. Improper processing of meat and vegetables
  5. Excess or lack of water