There are three simple and very effective options that solve the problem in just half an hour.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news sink clearing blockages clogged sink Useful tips 22 January 2025Blockages in pipes are a fairly common problem, but, what is good news, they are easily solved.
Elena Shimanovskaya clear a blockage sewer blockage help with blockage clogged sink Useful tips 15 January 2025We tell you why you shouldn’t flush toilet paper down the toilet and what else you shouldn’t throw in there.
Timur Khomichev toilet toilet paper using toilet paper clogged toilet Useful tips 22 December 2024A clogged sink in the kitchen or bathroom is nothing new.
Elena Shimanovskaya sink kitchen bathroom Useful tips 7 November 2024With the help of one simple remedy, you can protect yourself from the appearance of a blockage.
Marina Michalap get rid of a blockage clearing blockages plumbing tips for housewives Useful tips 26 October 2024With one simple method you can effectively deal with the blockage.
Marina Michalap clogged pipe clearing blockages tips for housewives Useful tips 13 October 2024With the help of some proven methods, you can deal with a blockage without a plunger or a plumber.
Marina Michalap clear a blockage clogged sink tips for housewives Useful tips 29 September 2024We are talking about aspirin.
Kurchev Anton clogged pipe aspirin household aspirin Useful tips 26 September 2024Not everyone knows whether it is possible to pour vegetable oil down the sink.
Marina Michalap vegetable oil sink tips for housewives Useful tips 24 August 2024A blockage in the sink must be cleared in a timely manner, otherwise you will have a lot of problems later.
Timur Khomichev clogged sink clogged pipe clearing blockages washing powder Useful tips 16 July 2024One way to solve the problem involves using baking soda and table vinegar. Plus hot water.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news house pipes life hacks Useful tips 14 July 2024Contrary to popular belief, you should not flush toilet paper down the toilet.
Timur Khomichev toilet paper toilet soup clogged toilet Useful tips 11 July 2024If you encounter such a nuisance as a clogged sink, the first thing you will probably do is try to eliminate it using folk methods.
Elena Shimanovskaya clear a blockage sewer blockage help with blockage clogged sink Useful tips 29 June 2024Many housewives are sure that to get rid of a blockage in pipes, you need to use expensive means, or even call a plumber. In fact, the problem is solved much more easily.
Kurchev Anton clogged sink baking soda life hacks with vinegar Useful tips 27 June 2024Not everyone knows how to properly deal with a blockage using vinegar and soda.
Marina Michalap clogged sink help with blockage clearing blockages Useful tips 12 June 2024There are quite a few reasons why a sink can become clogged.
Elena Shimanovskaya clear a blockage help with blockage life hacks Useful tips 11 June 2024We tell you which products are strictly forbidden to be poured down the kitchen sink.
Timur Khomichev sink kitchen sink clogged sink clogged pipe Useful tips 13 May 2024You can clear a small blockage in the sink yourself using two products that you have in your kitchen.
Olga Kotova clogged sink sink kitchen useful tips and life hacks Useful tips 28 January 2024If you have a build-up of dirt and hair in your bathroom drain, you should first try using a plunger.
Dmitry Liskovich bathroom clear a blockage clogged pipe Useful tips 3 January 2024Many of us often encounter various types of pollution in our daily lives, and a blockage in a sewer pipe is one of the most unpleasant.
Dmitry Liskovich sink pipes clogged toilet sewer blockage Useful tips 20 December 2023