Surely many have encountered the problem of a clogged sink.
Often the issue becomes a real headache, as it requires a lot of effort, expensive chemicals and takes a lot of time.
But you can do without all this, saving your budget and avoiding health problems from harmful cleaning and washing products.

It is enough to use two components, which are most likely available in every apartment.
We are talking about baking soda and vinegar – they will help you restore the drain to its former passability.
By the way, the method is safe not only for your health, but also for the pipes, which cannot be said about aggressive chemicals.
What do we do? Pour 0.5 cups of baking soda into the drain and add 1 cup of table vinegar.
The reaction between these agents will create foam.
It will help loosen dirt and eliminate unpleasant odors.
You need to let the mixture work (leave it for 15-30 minutes), and then rinse the drain with hot water.
To enhance the effect, you can use a plunger.
This option for combating blockages will allow you to keep your pipes clean and never encounter such troubles in your sink.