"You're very talented": why parents shouldn't say this phrase to their child

01.01.2025 20:41

Many parents praise their children for their successes and achievements.

And this is very good: parental praise is proof for every child that his efforts are not ignored.

Some mothers and fathers are not shy about telling their offspring that they have talent.

At first glance, this approach is also correct.

A child who is called talented by his parents develops self-confidence.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But, unfortunately, there are also unpleasant consequences of such praise.

"You are very talented": why this phrase is dangerous

If you start telling your child that he is talented, then, oddly enough, you will only harm him.

Firstly, the child may become arrogant.

Secondly, you will devalue the child's efforts. The child will come to the conclusion that there is no need to try hard.

The child will begin to think that positive results can be achieved “by themselves.”

After all, there is a talent, thanks to which skills are supposedly acquired with ease, and victories are achieved without effort.

Do not under any circumstances allow your child to come to such conclusions.

Don't call your baby talented. At least not when talking to him.

It is better to praise the child for diligence. In this case, the baby will continue to try further. And such a problem as the emergence of high self-esteem in the child will definitely not make itself known.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief