Teens who want to lose weight should not go on a diet in the usual sense of the word, according to researchers.
If at this age they begin to significantly reduce the caloric content of their diet, skip meals, consume special drinks or even medications (without a doctor's prescription, of course), there is a high probability that they will get injured, ruin their health and break their eating behavior.
Other methods should be used instead.

Mindful Eating
This method not only helps you lose weight, but also helps you get rid of bad eating habits.
Mindful eating means that you should avoid distractions (phone, books, etc.) while eating. You need to focus on your sensations while eating, that is, pay attention to its taste, smell, and consistency.
You should only start eating if you feel physically hungry, and you should stop eating when you feel full.
Healthy products
To avoid giving up your favorite foods altogether, try making some adjustments to your diet.
Instead of sugary soda, drink water and unsweetened tea, snack on fruits, vegetables, hummus, low-fat cheese, make sure every meal includes protein, and try to eat more whole vegetables and fruits.
Physical activity
Regular exercise will help you stay in good shape and maintain your weight.
The main thing is not to become dependent on physical activity. The teenager should enjoy the activities and not cause additional psychological stress.
This could be a sports section or activities not related to sports, such as dancing, swimming, etc. In addition, it is worth being active in everyday life.