A child, like an adult, can experience stress. But a baby can’t always talk about it.
Therefore, mothers and fathers need to pay close attention to their child’s condition in order to maintain his emotional health.
More stress in a student's life. He may become anxious and nervous.
As a result, he may withdraw into himself, talk about not wanting to go to school. At the same time, the immune system suffers and the child suffers from illnesses more often.
In addition, the relationship with food changes. For example, a schoolchild may refuse to eat or overeat.
The mood also suffers. The boy or girl may stop showing curiosity. Signs include lethargy and silence.
In some cases, the child begins to ruin his own or other people's things.
In such cases, you cannot raise your voice, threaten or simply behave harshly and aggressively. It is important to talk to the child, discuss the situation and his feelings in order to find out the cause of the problem and solve it.
Previously, we talked about what parents should do if grandparents interfere with their child’s upbringing.