"The 15-Minute Rule": A Simple Way to Help Strengthen a Child's Trust in Their Parents

09.06.2023 05:50

Some parents complain that their children do not share many details of their lives with them.

It happens that boys and girls simply hide from their mom and dad important events that happened to them at school or while walking with friends.

Most often, such secrecy of a child is explained by the fear of being frank.

It is possible that the child is afraid to admit something to his parents because he fears punishment.

It is quite possible to correct this situation and make your child more open and honest. To do this, you need to use the "15-minute rule".

Photo: © Belnovosti

The essence of the rule

Every day you need to find at least a quarter of an hour to communicate honestly and openly with your child.

You need to agree with your son or daughter: during this period of time you can talk about anything.

These could be conversations about favorite movies or games, or some funny memories.

In addition, the child should be allowed to make claims against the parents: let the baby admit if there is something for which he is angry at mom or dad.

All this time, you should listen to your son or daughter attentively, without interrupting. You cannot show boredom. In addition, you should not be offended by the child.

If you follow all these recommendations, your child will understand that you can easily communicate with your parents without fear of punishment.

The child will become much more honest and frank. Mom and Dad will certainly be aware of all the events in his life.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor