Cat loyalty is not a myth. Cats, like dogs, are quite capable of becoming attached to their owner and loving him.
Kurchev Anton cats Love signs facts about cats Pets 28 December 2023There are often jokes on the Internet about how cats don't really love their owners, but this is very far from the truth.
Dmitry Liskovich cat Love animals cat behavior Pets 26 December 2023Sometimes it seems that cats are not afraid of anything - they often defend themselves until their last breath.
Dmitry Liskovich cat fear behavior cat in the apartment Pets 21 December 2023Five antics of their owners that cats tolerate and forgive only out of great love.
Igor Zur cats cat in the apartment facts about cats threat Pets 11 December 2023Even a very good-natured cat can bite the hand that is petting it, and quite hard.
Timur Khomichev cat cats cats pets Pets 10 December 2023