You carefully choose low-fat yogurt, buy whole grain bread and are sure that this helps you maintain your figure.
Wait. What if these “healthy” foods are the main reason for your excess weight?
Yes, manufacturers like to manipulate the words “fitness” and “dietary”, but often this is just marketing.

For example, low-fat, sugar-free yogurt seems safe, but it's loaded with tons of chemical sweeteners that disrupt your metabolism and make you hungrier.
Take muesli. The packaging says "with fiber and vitamins," but inside there are glazed flakes, candied fruit, and honey.
In terms of calories, this portion is equal to two slices of pizza! Or protein bars: yes, they have a lot of protein, but also sugar, palm oil and preservatives.
You eat them instead of chocolate, thinking that you care about your figure, but in reality you get the same empty calories.
Another enemy is fruit juices. Even freshly squeezed ones. A glass of orange juice contains as much sugar as a can of cola.
But without the fiber found in whole fruit, that sugar is instantly absorbed into the bloodstream, causing an insulin spike and hunger within an hour. You drink juice thinking it's a vitamin bomb, but your body stores fat.
What to do? Read the ingredients carefully. If a product has more than five ingredients, half of which you don’t understand, put it back on the shelf.
Replace low-fat products with natural ones: regular 5% cottage cheese with berries is healthier than 0% yogurt with flavors.
And cook it yourself. Homemade granola from oatmeal, nuts and dried fruits without sugar is a great option. And instead of juices, eat whole fruits or make smoothies with vegetables.
Remember: healthy eating is not difficult. Just don’t trust the bright labels. Real food doesn’t need advertising.