Cottage cheese with jam is a very popular combination.
And there’s nothing surprising about it: from the point of view of taste, the fermented milk product and the sweet additive are quite “friendly”.
The result is a very appetizing dessert: better than many store-bought sweets.

Thus, cottage cheese with jam will certainly give a gourmet gastronomic pleasure. But at the same time... it will harm your health.
Unfortunately, almost no one who loves delicious food knows about the danger of the above-mentioned combination for the body.
Why you can't eat cottage cheese with jam
The problem is that these foods differ significantly in glycemic index.
For cottage cheese this indicator is low, but for jam it is quite high.
In other words, the sweet additive instantly turns a healthy fermented milk product into a rather dangerous mixture.
Eating such a dessert will cause a large release of insulin.
A huge love for cottage cheese with jam can lead to excess weight.
Want to stay slim? Then don't add anything too sweet to your cottage cheese.
If it’s hard to do without sweets, use dried fruits as an additive: you’ll get a tasty and healthy dessert.