Belly rolls? Seven minutes of this workout - no problem

11.02.2025 05:20

Spring is coming. But horror, have you noticed the folds on your belly?

Don't rush to say goodbye to short tops and tight bodysuits, there is a surefire way to solve the problem.

A short seven-minute workout will help you get rid of these folds effectively and quickly.

Photo: Pixabay

We are talking about popular exercises based on the plank. Each of the workouts below is half a minute.

Kneeling plank with hip lift

We get on all fours, leaning on our knees and elbows.

We move the pelvis back, then lift it up, after which we move the whole body forward, lowering the pelvis lower.

We repeat this movement.

With straightening of legs

Plank position on elbows. Knees on the floor should be bent.

We straighten one of the legs, but leave the toe in place.

We remain in this position for four counts.

Then we return the leg and repeat the procedure with the other one.

Changing the position of the arms and straightening the legs

We get into a plank position on our elbows – our knees should be bent and rest on the floor.

We straighten one arm, put emphasis on it, and then straighten the other.

Then we return to our elbows one by one, after which we straighten one of our legs and hold this position for a second.

Next, we return the leg to its original position and do the same with the second leg.

On knees with shoulder touch

We get into a plank position with straight arms, knees should be bent and rest on the floor.

We touch the left shoulder with the right palm and then return the hand to its place.

Next, touch your right shoulder with your left palm and return your hand to its original position.

On straight arms with leg bends

We stand in a plank position with straight arms, bend and immediately straighten one leg.

Next, we repeat the procedure with the other leg.

Plank on knees

We get into the plank position on our elbows. Knees are bent and on the floor.

We lower the pelvis and body so that they form a straight line.

We do the plank for another 30 seconds:

- on your knees with a twist of the body;
- on your knees with alternate rotation of your arms;
– rising on toes from a position on all fours;
- dynamic plank on toes;
- with the pelvis moved back;
- with steps;
- with steps on the elbows;
- throwing your arms forward;
- on your knees, changing the position of your hands and straightening your legs.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Kneeling plank with hip lift
  2. With straightening of legs
  3. Changing the position of the arms and straightening the legs
  4. On knees with shoulder touch
  5. On straight arms with leg bends
  6. Plank on knees

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