Most people still believe that the most beneficial fruit for human health is lemon, and all because it contains a lot of vitamin C.
But recent scientific research proves that eating kiwi can bring much more benefit to the body.
This is the conclusion reached by employees of the University of Tokyo.
What are the benefits of kiwi?
The fruit was compared with 27 others for its content of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. There were no equals to kiwi.
In addition to vitamins C, E, antioxidants and a number of useful substances, kiwi contains dietary fiber and folic acid.
Scientists have calculated that two medium servings of the fruit contain as much potassium as one banana.
But the most interesting thing is that kiwi contains practically no calories.
Therefore, it is recommended to include the fruit in the diet of elderly people.
With regular consumption, kiwi strengthens bones, blood vessels, improves digestion, and cleanses the body.
In addition, kiwi normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, improves health, is good for the skin and normal sleep.
Earlier we talked about whether you can eat the top of a banana .