Sprouted grains can be called a treasure trove of health with full responsibility.
They are enriched with nutrients, and the beneficial elements in them are more easily absorbed by the body.
And another plus is that the germination process itself is quite simple and exciting.

Here is a simple step-by-step guide to sprouting grains: it can be used for green buckwheat, beans, green peas, chickpeas, lentils, wheat, etc.
1. Start by rinsing the grains in cold water. Then transfer the grains to a bowl and cover them completely with water. Leave the mixture overnight.
2. In the morning, rinse the grains and place them on a damp paper towel. Cover with another paper towel and leave for 3 days.
3. During these 3 days, rinse the grains and change the paper towels to new ones each time.
4. Soon you will see the first sprouts appear. Sprouts about 1 cm long are ideal for eating. But you can also grow longer sprouts, which are good for salads.
5. Once the sprouts have reached the desired length, transfer them to the refrigerator. Store them at a temperature of +2…+5 degrees in a glass container with a loose lid. The sprouts will remain fresh in such conditions for 5 days.
Previously, we talked about who should eat sauerkraut .