Dentist Timur Basyrov told how hormonal changes affect possible dental problems in women at different periods of life

08.12.2023 20:01

The human body is a unique system, much of which is regulated by hormones.

Dentist Timur Basyrov told how hormonal changes affect possible dental problems in women at different periods of life.

Despite strong immunity, due to hormonal changes, women are more susceptible to oral diseases associated with sensitivity and gums.

The influence of hormonal levels on dental health. The main problems of the oral cavity caused by hormones

Hormonal changes in women can lead to various dental problems. Estrogen levels affect blood flow and inflammation in the gums.

There is a risk of gum inflammation, which can lead to periodontitis and damage to the tissues that support the teeth.

Photo: Pixabay

In addition, hormonal changes in some cases reduce the secretion of saliva or change its composition, causing dryness in the oral cavity. Thus, favorable conditions are created for the development of caries and tartar deposits, leading to gum disease in the future.

Increased acidity in the body, associated with hormonal changes, can increase the risk of developing dental erosion - the enamel becomes very thin and destroyed. This process is accompanied by increased sensitivity of the teeth.

Hormonal background can affect not only the oral cavity, but also the skeletal system of the body. With the onset of menopause in women, the level of sex hormones estrogens decreases, bones become less dense, osteoporosis occurs.

The main dental problems in women at different periods of life

A woman's life from a hormonal point of view can be divided into the following stages: puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Let's talk about them in more detail.


When a girl hits puberty, her body experiences a surge of progesterone and estrogen, the female sex hormones, for the first time. At this time, blood flow increases, which changes the way the gums react to plaque.

Therefore, swelling, pain and bleeding of the gums during brushing teeth are possible. During such a period, it is important not to neglect oral care, and if necessary, visit the dentist even more often.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

When a new life develops in a woman's body, the hormone progesterone increases, which can worsen the condition of the teeth. Therefore, the risk of gum inflammation and diseases increases.

During pregnancy, women should visit a dental hygienist and periodontist for consultation and monitoring more than twice a year.

For dental health, a complete balanced diet is recommended, so it is important for expectant mothers to eat well not only for the health of the child, but also for their own body, supporting its functions.

I would like to point out that today dentistry has safe medications and technologies for treating pregnant women that do not harm the woman or the child. Modern anesthetics are safe for pregnant women, but before the necessary treatment it is better to consult a specialist, including one who is monitoring the pregnancy.

During pregnancy, women experience changes in the composition and quantity of saliva. This can lead to a decrease in its protective properties. To avoid caries, you need to pay more attention to oral hygiene during pregnancy.

The main dental problems in women occur during breastfeeding. They are similar to the problems during pregnancy. From a hormonal point of view, lactation is supported by four hormones: estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and oxytocin.

The first two reduce the body's defenses. Mothers are often susceptible to gingivitis and periodontitis.

Prolactin helps produce milk, its level increases immediately after birth and is produced after each feeding of the baby.

Nursing mothers should definitely make time to visit the dentist regularly, and it is worth doing it more often than usual. Because the risk of developing caries and other dental problems increases. High-quality care and visiting a specialist will help prevent many diseases.


At the age of 40-50, every woman experiences menopause. During this period, many hormonal changes occur in the body, affecting the condition of the oral cavity.

Estrogen in the blood decreases, dry mouth appears, and the immune defense of the gums decreases. This can lead to periodontal disease - the tissues surrounding the tooth. Also, in women, microcirculation in the gums is disrupted, so there is a risk of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Therefore, mature women should eat right, include more foods to strengthen bones, use remineralizing agents and promptly contact specialists for an examination of the oral cavity and receive recommendations.

How to Monitor Your Dental Health at Different Times in Life

Despite the different periods, the recommendations will be almost identical.

It is necessary to see a dentist twice a year for a professional examination, visit a hygienist for cleaning and remineralization of enamel. If you complain of discomfort in the oral cavity or bleeding gums, it is better not to delay and make an appointment with a specialist immediately and follow all recommendations.

If you are planning a pregnancy, it is worth treating all your teeth and cleaning them at this stage.

But situations are different, and sometimes a consultation with a general dentist is needed during pregnancy. In the first trimester, it is better to carry out simple treatment so as not to harm the fetus with medications.

In the second trimester, when the placenta, which serves as a barrier, has formed, both emergency and planned treatment can be carried out. In the third trimester, when the body of the expectant mother is weak, it is better to carry out only emergency treatment in the left side position.

Before visiting the dentist, you should definitely consult an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Don't forget about good home hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day for three to four minutes using dental products selected by a dental hygienist. Use dental floss, interdental brushes, and an irrigator.

A brush cannot penetrate into all places, but with auxiliary interdental means this is possible.

In order for us to be able to receive the necessary micro- and macroelements for the health of the oral cavity and the whole body, proper nutrition and vitamin intake are important. For the latter, it is worth visiting a therapist and taking tests so that the doctor can properly close the deficiencies without harming the body.

If you experience any discomfort in your teeth or mouth, you should immediately contact your dentist. And most importantly, do not endure it until it hurts.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor

Timur Basyrov Expert: Timur BasyrovExpert / Belnovosti

  1. The influence of hormonal levels on dental health. The main problems of the oral cavity caused by hormones
  2. The main dental problems in women at different periods of life
  3. Puberty
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  5. Menopause
  6. How to Monitor Your Dental Health at Different Times in Life