Who and when should eat quail eggs: benefits that many still don’t know about

29.04.2023 05:50

The uniqueness of quail eggs is that they cannot contain such a dangerous parasite as salmonella, and in addition, they contain a huge amount of useful substances, amino acids and vitamins.

The whole point is that the shell membrane of a quail egg is so strong, and the shell itself is devoid of large breathing holes, that no bacteria or microorganisms can simply penetrate inside the egg.

At the same time, the body temperature of quails is significantly higher than the average body temperature of other birds and animals, and even if a microorganism enters its body, it immediately dies from thermal exposure.

Benefits of Quail Eggs

Quail eggs contain five times more potassium and phosphorus than chicken eggs. And it is these substances that improve brain activity and promote the development of intelligence.

Quail eggs contain a large number of vitamins A, B and D. In particular, the latter is found only in some products or is produced by the body itself when exposed to active sunlight.

Quail eggs
Photo: Pixabay

Quail eggs contain a lot of proteins. For example, the protein ovomucoid, which successfully fights allergies of various types. It is this protein that forms the basis of the latest medical antihistamines.

Quail eggs do not contain cholesterol.

With the help of these eggs, you can remove radionuclides, heavy metal salts from the body, and remove the effects of radiation exposure. Therefore, people living in ecologically unfavorable areas with increased radiation background must include quail eggs in their daily diet.

Such eggs can be stored for a long time. At room temperature, they retain freshness and all their beneficial properties for a month, and in the refrigerator - for two.

Quail eggs are an excellent source of amino acids, in particular glycine, histidine, tyrazine, threonine and lysozyme.

The latter prevents the development of pathogenic intestinal microflora.

Quail eggs are widely used in cosmetology. The substances in their composition perfectly moisturize, rejuvenate and nourish the skin, prevent the appearance of fine expression wrinkles.

Nutritionists recommend eating quail eggs for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. These include erosion, gastric ulcer, and pancreatitis.

With the help of quail eggs, you can completely restore the body's immune system, calm the nervous system, improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, protect yourself from cancer and improve reproductive function.

Quail eggs for children

With them, a baby grows up to be a smart, talented, healthy and beautiful person – scientists from all developed countries say this. That is why parents there try to give their children 1-2 eggs every day.

Quail eggs have the most beneficial effect on the development of the child's brain, improve communication skills, develop speech, and improve memory.

During seasonal epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and colds, to strengthen the immune system, you should give your child a couple of “golden eggs”.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Benefits of Quail Eggs
  2. Quail eggs for children