Sushi: Benefits or Harm? Things Many People Don't Know Yet

11.03.2023 03:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 14:33

Nowadays, Japanese cuisine can be enjoyed in themed restaurants and elsewhere.

Sushi and rolls are especially popular among people, as they have a pleasant taste. Treats often accompany business meetings and other events.

But are sushi as healthy as is commonly believed? Can the dish harm your health? Let's look at the features of this delicacy in more detail.

Health benefits of sushi and rolls

This popular dish is prepared from healthy products. Vegetables, rice and fish should be of high quality and fresh. The ingredients contain many valuable microelements and vitamins of different groups.

Fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which stabilize the functioning of internal organs. In addition, the components have a positive effect on your appearance.

Photo: Pixabay

The products are dietary, so you are not threatened by extra kilos. This is confirmed by the residents of Japan, who look great even at retirement age.

Eating sushi has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and digestive organs. Mental activity will be of higher quality.

Rice contains fiber, which stabilizes the stomach. Sushi prevents the risk of malignant tumors. Scientists have proven that the delicacy will help cope with depression, as the central nervous system begins to function stably.

Sushi is served with a spicy mustard called wasabi. This sauce contains components that have an antiseptic effect. Wasabi also prevents caries and blood clots. Be sure to eat mustard if you have malignant tumors, because it effectively fights them.

Some people add ginger to rolls and sushi. It is an antioxidant and also a product that strengthens the immune system. You can also serve sushi with soy sauce.

It has a rejuvenating effect, so premature aging is completely excluded. In addition, soy sauce makes blood vessels strong and elastic.

Can sushi harm human health?

As you know, the treat is prepared using sea fish. It may contain parasites that are harmful to the human body. The situation is aggravated if the selected restaurant violates the storage conditions of products. A visit to such an establishment is fraught with serious food poisoning.

If you think that sushi will not cause extra pounds, then we have to disappoint you. Some types of rolls are made from polished rice.

It does not contain the microelements and vitamins that your body needs. In addition, soy sauce is rich in salt, which retains water in tissues. If you wash down a delicious dinner with soda or alcoholic drinks, your figure will change for the worse in just a few evenings.

Who shouldn't eat sushi?

You should not eat sushi if you have an individual intolerance to some products. When ordering a treat, ask the waiter what is included in it, so that unforeseen health problems do not arise.

Be careful if you have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer or gastritis. Also, avoid eating sushi if you are expecting a baby.

Do you really want to indulge in a treat? Then you should opt for baked rolls, as they will have a positive effect on your body.

And, of course, you need to go only to trusted restaurants. And even better - cook sushi at home. This way you will be sure of the quality and freshness of each ingredient, so you will not have any health problems!

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Health benefits of sushi and rolls
  2. Can sushi harm human health?
  3. Who shouldn't eat sushi?