What is the main failure in losing weight: nutritionist explained

20.01.2023 12:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 13:16

The cherished dream of any girl, as soon as she realizes her belonging to the attractive sex, is a slender figure. And all her life she will think about how she looks!

Anastasia Nekhoroshkova, nutritionist, told us what the main failure in losing weight is connected with.

Everyone has different standards, ideals too, and very often our appearance does not fit into them. It is not for nothing that the queries “diet” and “how to lose weight” are among the most common in Internet search engines!

So why are there so many lucky women who share their successful experience of losing weight on one of the popular diets, while someone else still can’t get their dream figure?!

Is this a scam by those who leave positive reviews or is it genetics, “heavy bones” or lack of motivation?

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle!

And no, trying everything one by one, all at once, but little by little won't work either. It's much more likely to get tired and burn out from this whole undertaking than to get the first noticeable results!

The main reason for failures in the fight for the body of your dreams is choosing the wrong way to lose weight! And everyone has one. Sometimes it is a combination of several methods, sometimes a specific one.

And to find the key to solving the problem, you need to get to the bottom of the cause of weight gain! And this is precisely the most difficult thing, because there are many of them and often we have no idea about them at all.

Most often, the reasons can be divided into three groups:

  • eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia and other diseases). Here it is necessary to work with a specialist;
  • psychological reasons. These are stress, inability to experience one's emotions, emotional clamps, problems in personal life with a partner, etc.;
  • physiological problems associated with eating habits.

Almost always, psychological problems go together with physiological ones. And working with excess weight by only changing habits is often not enough. In such cases, it is necessary to involve work with a psychologist.

It is a mistake to put forward the theory that excess weight gain is caused by hormonal imbalance (female hormones are often blamed for this). In fact, it is precisely improper eating habits that are most often the cause of hormonal imbalance!

That is why it is so important to study all the physiological reasons so that working with excess weight is not only effective, but also does not drag on for many years!

What are the most common eating habits?

Irregular meals. If we eat at different times, the body “doesn’t understand” when to expect the next portion of food. Therefore, most of what it receives will be stored “in reserve”.

Uneven food intake. We either break loose at a birthday party or urgently start fasting in the hope of “losing” what we ate yesterday. The same principle applies here as in the previous point.

Frequent hunger strikes and low-calorie diets. Here our genetic memory kicks in - hunger = war. This means we need to store everything that enters the body. In this case, the metabolism slows down, all processes too, and calories are not spent, but deposited as fat.

Undiversified diet. The more monotonous the food we eat, the less vitamins and minerals we get, the more deficiencies in our body. Our body is a very complex mechanism and for all the processes occurring in it we need the entire periodic table.

Photo: Pixabay

If we don't get something, the processes slow down, and then you get the idea...

Lack of flavors in the diet. If our food does not contain all the flavors - astringent, sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy, then we do not get emotional pleasure from food!

In this case, we want to get these tastes from unhealthy food that is more caloric - sweets, fast food. So we overeat and gain weight.

Unbalanced diet. If we don't get enough protein, fat or slow carbohydrates, we don't feel full. Then we have to resort to more caloric and unhealthy food!

And most importantly, the cherry on the cake - more awareness in nutrition and more attention to yourself!

The more often we think about WHAT and HOW we eat, the higher the probability of controlling ourselves and not overeating. If we spend a little time planning our lunch, we most likely will not want cake after lunch! Therefore, the path to your ideal body is different for everyone!

Be attentive to your body, learn to organize your diet to stay in great shape for many years!

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor

  1. Most often, the reasons can be divided into three groups:
  2. What are the most common eating habits?