Not everyone knows whether it is worth planting the trunk circle of an apple tree.
Marina Michalap tree trunk circle apple tree trunk circle advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 August 2024What to do if the apple tree starts to dry out.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents watering schedule the apple tree is drying up diseases and pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 May 2024Not everyone knows which plants should not be planted next to apple trees.
Marina Michalap growing apple trees plants near the apple tree apple advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 December 2023Which trees can be pruned in winter and how to prune without causing harm.
Igor Zur fruit trees plant care winter at the dacha advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 December 2023In the fall, after harvesting, it is necessary to inspect the trees and seal all cracks.
Timur Khomichev apple growing apple trees apple trees fruit trees Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 November 2023