It is no secret that a large, protruding belly is the result of nutritional errors, combined with a sedentary lifestyle.
If you eat a lot of sweet and fatty foods that are full of calories and spend almost the entire day sitting on the couch, you shouldn't be surprised by the extra pounds that have accumulated on your stomach and sides.
But there are other, no less common reasons why fat prefers to stick to the stomach.
Lack of sleep, if it has become chronic, coupled with stress leads to the production of the hormone ghrelin, which increases the feeling of hunger. As a result, a person begins to consume more food, which leads to excess weight gain.
Leptin is a "satiety hormone" produced in adipose tissue, unlike the aforementioned ghrelin, a "hunger hormone." When sensitivity to leptin decreases, a person does not feel satiated after eating and continues to put spoon after spoon into his mouth, even if he is already full. As a result, there is a tendency to overeat and the formation of fat deposits in the abdomen and sides.
This factor, for obvious reasons, affects only women. Menopause usually occurs at 45-50 years of age. Along with it comes a decrease in the level of female sex hormones, estrogens. As a result, the course of metabolic processes in the body is disrupted, and fat rolls appear on the stomach and sides.
A bulging belly and discomfort in this area may be associated with increased gas formation. Bloating can be caused by legumes, flour products, fatty foods, dairy products and carbonated drinks.