Amosov's paste has become surrounded by legends and outright fabrications among the people. It is called a cure for all diseases, completely forgetting about contraindications.
This product can really improve your health, but nothing more. It can be consumed in small quantities.
We will tell you how to prepare Amosov paste and whether there are any contraindications for this product.
The author of the recipe for this useful preparation is the Soviet scientist and surgeon Nikolai Amosov.
He noticed that patients who use this paste recover faster after surgery and illness.
In his opinion, the product helps to replenish the lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body, as well as strengthen the immune system – and nothing more.
You will need: dried apricots, raisins, figs, dates, prunes, walnuts, natural honey - 200 grams each. You will also need one lemon.
Dried fruits and nuts should be soaked in boiling water for 30 minutes, rinsed, minced together with lemon, mixed with honey, placed in jars and stored in the refrigerator.
Only one tablespoon of Amosov paste is eaten per day.
Firstly, the finished product is very high in calories and sweet.
Secondly, if there are contraindications or intolerance to the ingredients, you will have to consult a doctor.
Thirdly, patients with diabetes should not consume the paste without first consulting a doctor.