Fitness bars and other healthy lifestyle products can be harmful.
Russian nutritionist Elena Solomatina warned about this.
The expert told the publication “” what harm such food can cause.
Firstly, fitness bars. As the nutritionist explained, many protein bars contain almost no protein, and cereals and sugar are the main ingredients.
Or cereal bars, where there is practically no grain, and the main ingredients are the same sugar and flour, Solomatina said.
Secondly, the expert recommended consuming muesli with caution.
Excessive consumption of them can lead to weight gain, even if they do not contain sugar.
Instead of sugar, there may be various additives, the nutritionist warned.
For example, muesli may contain glucose, maple syrup, and agave syrup.
These additives are also very high in calories. In addition, muesli may contain fructose, which causes fatty liver.
Thirdly, you should not get carried away with the use of sports cocktails. They are rich not only in protein, but also in carbohydrates.
They can also add fats, because they are also needed for building muscles, Solomatina noted.