Why You Don't Lose Weight Even When You Eat Little: 5 Main Reasons

29.10.2024 09:42

You follow a drinking regimen, control your calorie intake and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but the extra pounds are in no hurry to go away?

First of all, check your scale - it may be faulty. If there is nothing wrong with it, you may find the cause in the list below.

Gluten free products

This diet should be followed only by those who have been diagnosed with gluten intolerance. If you are not one of these people, do not rush to buy gluten-free products - they contain highly refined sugars, which means they contain much more calories than regular ones.

Low-fat products

To keep consumers from turning away from low-fat foods, manufacturers resort to the same trick and add large amounts of sugar to them.


It is believed that the body does not care whether it has sugar or sugar substitutes. The answer will be one - the production of insulin in response to sweet food. It, in turn, turns into glycogen, and that - into fat.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Carbohydrates for breakfast

No one disputes the benefits of porridge, flakes and grain bread. But it is better not to eat these products for breakfast. To lose weight, choose protein-rich products for breakfast. They require more time and energy to digest, due to which the feeling of satiety lasts for a long time.


Soy in any form contains phytohormones similar to estrogen, and its excess is perceived by the body as a signal for fat accumulation.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Gluten free products
  2. Low-fat products
  3. Sweeteners
  4. Carbohydrates for breakfast
  5. Soybeans