Every diet has several disadvantages or contraindications. The so-called soup diet is no exception.
Let's find out if there are any dark sides to this diet and what to be wary of when choosing this unusual diet.
1. First courses quickly fill you up and remain low in calories.
2. They are often based on vegetables, legumes or grains, which makes the soup a source of vitamins and nutrients.
3. And the soup is also easy to digest.
But at the same time, the soup diet is fraught with a very quick breakdown.
Firstly, the soup is filling and digests equally quickly, which is fraught with a new attack of hunger in the near future.
Secondly, all diets based on kefir, water or soup (drinking diets) are associated with metabolic disorders.
The body is not designed to receive food products only in liquid form.
This can cause problems with digestion, which means there is a chance that you will also be overweight.
Therefore, soup should not become an exclusive dish in the diet.
Also, those who are used to preparing first courses based on fried vegetables and fatty broth should not expect to lose weight.
Earlier we talked about why you shouldn’t eat while standing .