The Most Popular Excuses That Prevent Weight Loss: Here's Why Your Weight Is Stuck

14.03.2024 09:04

The main rule of losing weight is to consume fewer calories than your body uses. You can achieve this effect by cutting down on your portions and increasing the amount of physical activity.

It would seem that what could be simpler? However, most people who would like to get rid of excess weight, postpone the start of losing weight every day until tomorrow.

We invite you to discuss the most popular reasons that are an obstacle on the path to a slim figure.

Eating right is expensive

Only someone who has not compared the prices of so-called "healthy" food and harmful and high-calorie products can say this. In fact, a kilogram of chicken breast costs, on average, the same as a kilogram of sausages or salami.

Moreover, those who want to lose weight reduce the amount of food they eat, and accordingly, their consumption also decreases.

Chicken with potatoes
Photo: © Belnovosti

A gym membership costs a lot of money

There's no arguing here - if you want to keep yourself in good shape by going to the pool or the gym, you'll have to fork out some cash.

But there are other options – home workouts, walks in the park or a sports ground with outdoor exercise equipment.

The food is tasteless and monotonous

This can only be said about strict diets that involve significant restrictions in the diet. In fact, proper nutrition is always tasty and monotonous.

The discomfort that sometimes arises from eating “unusual” foods lasts no more than 7-10 days, but during this time the motivation to lose weight is the highest, which means that you can easily wait out a couple of weeks of getting used to the new diet.

Earlier we talked about whether it is possible to drink birch sap regularly.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor

  1. Eating right is expensive
  2. A gym membership costs a lot of money
  3. The food is tasteless and monotonous