Why Soak Greens in Salt Water and Wrap Spaghetti in a Towel: The Best Kitchen Life Hacks

09.12.2024 17:51

Stop treating ordinary household chores as if they were difficult.

Many household tricks have long been invented, thanks to which household chores become much easier. The most effective and useful of them were shared by the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", chef Yulia Arkhipova.

Soaking greens in salted water

If you want to get clean and safe-to-eat greens, soak them in salted water and then rinse under running water.

Thanks to the presence of salt, you will be able to get rid of residual dirt, harmful substances and microbes.

Wrapping spaghetti in a towel

To chop spaghetti, no one would even think of picking up a knife and cutting board. Long macaroni is usually broken by hand, but there is another way.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Wrap dry spaghetti in a towel and gently run it along the edge of the table - after this, pieces of the desired size will remain inside the napkin.

Proper Cooking of Potatoes

The New Year is coming, which is usually celebrated with a sumptuously laid table. Many dishes include boiled potatoes, which are most often boiled in their skins, that is, unpeeled.

Peeling it is quite problematic. To save time and effort, try making a few small cuts on the potato before boiling - this will make peeling it much easier.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources
Expert: Julia Arkhipova Expert / Belnovosti

  1. Soaking greens in salted water
  2. Wrapping spaghetti in a towel
  3. Proper Cooking of Potatoes